
Phosphor Solutions

The ChromaLit Solution

The ChromaLit LED Lighting System
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ChromaLit is a remote phophor system for lighting. The phosphor is delivered in a composite material, separated from the blue LED energy source, and emits high quality white light when excited by a blue light engine. The separation of the phosphor from the energy source delivers high system efficacies and lower costs while offering a uniform luminaire and appearance with no reflections or pixelation. ChromaLit also offers unprecedented consistency of lumens and color over lifetime.

ChromaLit LinearBrilliant Light Quality

Design with ChromaLit to harness a glare-free, diffuse light source and create consistent, high-quality light across multiple fixtures. Intematix’s proprietary technology enables stable phosphor performance over the module’s lifetime and color-consistent, uniform luminaires.

Process Problems Solved

The interchangeability of ChromaLit simplifies binning management, reduces inventory costs and protects you from the rapid evolution of LED technology. Luminaries designed with ChromaLit can deliver any CCT or CRI desired with a single blue pump light engine. ChromaLit will enable you to quickly respond to the needs of your customers without stocking a wide variety of different white LEDs, thereby streamlining your supply chain. As blue LEDs continue to improve in efficacy, the same ChromaLit can be easily integrated into new systems ensuring a platform for future proof luminaire consistency in both aesthetics and performance.

ChromaLit LED Lighting System Relative Efficacy
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Unparalleled Lifetime Efficacy

ChromaLit enables system efficacy gains of up to 30% compared to conventional LED lighting systems by operating at lower temperatures, maximizing photon extraction and removing the need for a diffuser. Relocating the light generating surface away from the energy source, the ChromaLit architecture produces significantly more light per input power, increases LED package lifetime and reduces the LED chip junction temperature. ChromaLit system designs require fewer LEDs, use smaller heat sinks, enable higher LED drive currents and reduce energy usage.